Preferred should trade at the same or slightly higher level than the common shares:
- Both share classes have the right to the same assets
- Preferred shares pay a slightly fuller dividend than the common shares
- Preferred shares have historically traded at a premium to the common shares
Why the preferred should trade at a lower level than the common shares:
- Preferred shares have no voting rights
Preferred (blue) vs. common shares (pink):
Source: SaxoBank
If you want in there is still 10 % free upside left if you buy the preferred shares!
As for me I got lucky and bought the common shares (pure luck) close to the trough (turning point) and held on to the shares until I had a 15 % return. I than turned around and sold the common shares and bought the preferred shares when I realized that there was an obvious arbitrage between the share classes.
Disclosure: I am long Volkswagen AG
I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving any compensation for it. I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.