søndag 3. juli 2016

Market implosion is not imminent, it is already here

The global equity markets have already imploded even if the S&P 500 (large US companies) is still holding up.

The fact is that six out of eight main national stock indexes have crashed since June 2015 (approximate values from the top of my head):

  • Chinese stocks are down 40 %
  • Japanese stocks are down 25 %
  • German stocks are down 20 %
  • UK stocks are also down and the sterling has collapsed
  • French stocks are down 20 %
  • Italian stocks are down 30 %
  • Oil prices have collapsed

The only reason we believe the markets are fine is due to the fact that the S&P 500 have not yet collapsed. The US stock market is still holding up, mainly due to record low unsustainable interest rates. On Average the S&P 500 will appreciate by 30 % post the FED starting to rise interest rates (which they started with in December of 2015, resulting in a stock market correction). At this point I wouldn't bet on the normal 30 % appreciation. 

The day of reckoning will be here soon enough for US stocks as both the Shiller PE multiple and the market-cap to GDP multiple currently are @ pre financial crisis levels. The rich valuation is combined with an ongoing earnings recession. The US stock market is clearly in a bubble. Furthermore the collapsing Japanese stock market tend to be a leading indicator for the US market. When the US market collapses, everything collapses. I have been super overweight oil and oil related stocks all of 2016 and my returns have been fantastic. I am now selling everything in order to regroup and rethink the situation. I believe last week's post Brexit bull was a dead cat bounce. The day of reckoning may once again be upon us.

US Shiller PE:

Source: http://www.multpl.com/

US market-cap to GDP:

Source: Gurufocus.com

US earnings recession:

Source: Gurufocus.com

Japanese vs. US stocks:

Source: Google.com

Disclosure: I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving any compensation for it.
